NEW RELEASE! šŸ“£ Integrate Dynamo Scripts as Revit buttons

Final GIF

NEW RELEASE :exclamation::grey_exclamation: NONICATAB FREE v5.0 :mega::mega:

Two new features already available in Autodesk App Store for FREE:

:zap: Customize Revit Buttons with your Dynamo scripts with NO LIMITS! NonicaTab FREE v5.0 enables you to easily change the name and description of your Revit buttons in two clicks. Add breakline to split the name or description of the button in two lines.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Refresh all the Dynamo Scripts in your 12 Revit buttons in one click. After making changes or updates in your scripts, you can use Refresh All in the Settings panel to update all the Dynamo scripts in your buttons at once. You only need to keep the dyn files with the same name and location than when you set up your toolbar.

What other features would you like NonicaTab FREE to have? Leave a comment below :point_down:t4:

NonicaTab FREE v5.0 IS HERE! Link: NonicaTab. 12 Dyn scripts as buttons. | Revit | Autodesk App Store :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

#nonicaio #dynamo #dynamobim #revit #bim


Has anyone here used this before?

My scripts canā€™t compete with add-ins
But what add-ins lack, is adaptability, and thatā€™s where i have fun and play.

Give it a try! Nothing to loose. It is completely FREE. It has more than 15 five-stars reviews in the store ā€¦

Itā€™s a good option for people looking to quickly access some scripts from their toolbar, and want to keep their development within Dynamo. Other similar projects include Dyno and Relay, both of which come with limited support due to on hold/open source nature respectively (thankyou for correction on semantics John :slight_smile: ). I used Nonica for a while and it was a handy tool for sure.

Iā€™ve since begun to use pyRevit, which like Nonica can store scripts in toolbar format but it isnā€™t really the focus of the add-in, so it doesnā€™t have as many features focused on this. For the most part I use it to develop tools in pyRevit written in Python and it also comes with lots of libraries such as one that can support user interfaces (forms) without the need for custom packages like data-shapes.

Suggest giving it a try (thereā€™s a free version), and seeing what you think of it. Give pyRevit a look as well as it has a high ceiling for rapid prototyping/development short of what you can do with add-ins/C/Visual studio (of which the ceiling is about as high as the API/your time allow).

Iā€™ve got a video (slightly outdated now) of my review/demo of Nonica here:

Likewise, Iā€™ve got a video on pyRevit running Dynamo scripts here:

I did review Dyno a long time ago, but I believe prorubim doesnā€™t work on it anymore as I know the war made running their business difficult (they are russian based). it may be worth considering maintaining a project thread here versus making new ones for announcements, this way all relevant information is kept in one place. It will probably help people warm up to having a promotion based announcement on the forums versus clogging up the threads and searches (you may have noticed these types of threads can garner a bit of a prickly reception). Look into such threads as that for Camber as an example of how this can be done. Just a suggestion.


Hi @GavinCrumpā€¦think Orkestra support revit buttons as well :wink: and shouls work in revit and civil 3dā€¦


Ah yes good pickup, skipped my mind as I havenā€™t used it myself much personally (tried it out, but havenā€™t worked at a firm where Dynamo has spread hard enough to warrant it). Certainly the solution of choice if you want to get scripts all around your organization and Dynamo Player isnā€™t going to cut it, or you want to use custom packages.

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For Civil 3d you do not need addins etc, you can create a ribbon with the out of the box autocad customisation and add the following command to each button. Of course changing the path to the dyn file.

Then roll it out with a company Customisation standard.


Hi @Brendan_Cassidy ,thanks nice to know and great tipā€¦im not a user at autocad or civil,but startup to look into dynamo for civil :wink:

Relay is available Open-Source and has ā€œlimited supportā€. Unsupported is not a fair statement.

PyRevit is also open-source mind you and comes with limited support as well.

Also, 100% agree with this:


Yeah sorry, limited is a better description. Muddled my words in with dyno there a bit, which as far as I can see is unsupported currently.

Have seen a few people using relay before and itā€™s a great contribution to the community.

Fair point RE pyRevit as well. Thereā€™s a community of sorts rallying around it, but not at the same scale as Dynamo for sure. A couple of all stars (Erik, Jean) around to help on their forums/channels, so fingers crossed it remains supported by the community/patreon.

Thanks @GavinCrump and @john_pierson for your responses !
We took holidays and were not able to reply before but those are definitely very good points.

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Random additional question for you.

Have you had a lot of requests for the ā€œrun graph every XX minutesā€ feature? I have a hard time thinking of use-cases for that one on my end.

The ā€œrun when file opensā€ or ā€œwhen file savedā€ makes a lot of sense. But the XX minutes one seems scary.

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Seems like a Dynamic Updater like function, but scarier if you quit or print between operations.

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Great tip RE events vs scheduled runs. Might be worth looking at how pyRevit deals with it (hooks), and they have some good tips about types of events that are less reliable such as document changed.

You can also intercept commands by Id using pyRevit which is quite handy sometimes, although not sure if it is as useful for Dynamo as it wouldnā€™t open in time to catch the command and work with it (e.g. preventing or delaying an Import CAD).

Generally Iā€™ve found that users are a bit sensitive to hooks, as they feel like it can ā€˜policeā€™ when used incorrectly. For example I tried out a tool that prompts the user to think twice when importing CAD, then in second iteration I permitted it without a message if the document was a family and in current form it gives the users a choice to opt out of seeing it again (adds their username to a csv that the hook cross checks).

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Hey John!

We didnĀ“t get much requests for that one but we believe it can help teams to, for example, check regularly the models in terms of quality or to keep track of the time spent in different projects (maybe registering entries in a logfile with DateTime and Project Name)

With great power comes great responsability. :slight_smile:

@GavinCrump Yes, it is quite helpful! Thanks! In our case, we found issues in Revit when subscribing to UIApplication.ApplicationClosing and Application.DocumentClosed as the event triggered was not calling our commands and finally left that option out.

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No time tracker please!
The best work is done in the brain.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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We are very excited to introduce you the latest features of NonicaTab FREE version published in Autodesk App Store.

NonicaTab FREE (v5.1):

  • :triangular_flag_on_post:7 nodes of our Input Detector are now also editable directly from Revit (Boolean, Int Slider, Number Slider, Number, String, Directory Path and File Path).
  • :checkered_flag:Improvements in the accuracy of the warning error detector.
  • :pencil2: Open Dynamo scripts in editing mode by pressing Control + any NonicaTab button.
  • :star: Shiny new installer that allows selection of several Revit versions in one installation.

Attached you can find links to Autodesk App Store:

Important: In order to update from a previous version, you only need to download and install the new version on top :top: DonĀ“t uninstall your current version or you will lose the configuration of your current buttons.

NonicaTab FREE in Autodesk App Store: NonicaTab. 12 Dyn scripts as buttons. | Revit | Autodesk App Store :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

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More and more features for ā’»ā“‡ā’ŗā’ŗ ! NonicaTab FREE new release! :warning: Full Execution Reports, :snowflake:Frozen Nodes in Revit, :clipboard:Inputs Nodes from Custom Packages, ā€¦

:confetti_ball: NonicaTab FREE v5.1.1 has just been published in Autodesk App Store.:tada:

The new features available are:

:warning: Full report of your executions. When running a script with errors or warnings, you only need to click on the notification cloud to see more details about which nodes in Dynamo brought the error/warning.

:snowflake: Frozen nodes in input window. Now the input window also shows which nodes are frozen.

:clipboard: Input detector with custom packages. Dropdowns from custom packages are now also available to edit before running directly from Revit.

:speech_balloon: Running time in notification cloud. The notification cloud now also shows how long it took to run your Dynamo scripts.

:rocket: Notifications about new updates available. This new version will notify you when a new version of NonicaTab is available so you are always up to date, but you can also disable this from the settings panel.

Important: Update now by just installing this new version on top! Do NOT uninstall your existing version or you will lose the configuration of your toolbar.

:star: Link to download from Autodesk App Store: NonicaTab. 12 Dyn scripts as buttons. Limited Ft. | Revit | Autodesk App Store :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

Have a great day!
#nonicaio #dynamo #dynamobim #revit #bim #nonicatab