NonicaTab NEW RELEASED. Deploy and share Dynamo scripts as Revit buttons

Deploy your Dynamo Scripts in Autodesk® Revit® like a PRO!

NonicaTab PRO creates a new Revit toolbar with 3 profiles of 12 buttons each easy to customize with your Dynamo scripts and favorite icons. Profiles (Default, Beta, and Gamma) can be easily switched at runtime to use different sets of buttons.

The PRO version also allows you to import and export your NonicaTab PRO toolbars and share them easily. A file (.nonica) will be created in your selected location which you can use to import in as many computers with NonicaTab PRO installed as you wish.

What about the Dynamo packages? FORGET ABOUT THEM! If your Dynamo scripts are running well on your PC, they will run well in the importing computer. When you export your toolbars, NonicaTab PRO detects all the installed Dynamo packages required to run the scripts in your toolbars and they will be imported together with your toolbar. You only need to make sure that they are created or resaved in a Dynamo version later than v2.3.

If you prefer to set up your own icons and scripts, the PRO version also has some features that you will love;

  • Refresh All. Update all Dynamo scripts in your NonicaTab buttons in one click . All you need to do is to keep your modified Dynamo script in the same location with the same name as the selected button.

  • Icons. Select any jpg or png image of any size and it will automatically be converted and included in your NonicaTab button. Extra set of icons of different colours included.

NonicaTab PRO runs Dynamo in the background and pops up any input window such as Data Shapes package input nodes. NonicaTab notifies in real time if the script was run successfully or with errors or warnings. You can also set your Dynamo scripts to run from keyboard shortcuts!

This new version is published in Autodesk App Store. Attached you can find the link;

Nonica team is committed to its clients and users. Please, contact us if you have any doubt or need help to set up. We would be glad to help.


Hi, is there a way to deploy it to computers with selected scripts in the tab?

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Hey @vanman
You can export and deploy several tabs with different buttons and scripts in other computers.
To export and deploy only selected scripts from your tab, so far you only can export your toolbars as a whole and not partially.
With kind regards,

@vanman, hope the anwer below clarifies.

thanks. Is the export tool bar function part of the pay for package?

Yes, @vanman . The export function is only available in the paid version. You can have a look to all the features of the paid version in this short video
You can download and try it for free for 30 days in Autodesk App Store.

Hi all, i have a question to you. I made a few dynamo scripts after my normal work hours and i want to give access to my coworkers BUT i want to prevent my scripts from copy(and using without permission)… Is any way to do that by your application?

Hey @pawel.kS3DHM,
Thanks for your question!
Using NonicaTab PRO, you can share your scripts as Revit buttons and they will not be directly accessible through Revit or Dynamo within our app. However, users could dig into the internal program files and copy the files from there…
Hope this helps!

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Thank you!

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In general it isn’t really possible to protect Dynamo scripts in the manner you’re after - the source script can always be mined by the user in any app really. The only ways you could protect scripts is by writing and compiling nodes in C# and checking for certain conditions like the username or an algorithm that determines if the package should be active (e.g. querying some data from a website you control).


Hi, thank you Gavin for your work and time for me! I’m impresed and still learning from your materials. Ok i understand the problem and the only one solution. Maybe in the future i will learn C# but then i think i will start IT carrer :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is Amazing, exactly what i was looking for.
Keyboard shortcut, too good to be true.
Looking forward to test this in the next days! :smiley:

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Great concept. (Especially because Player is missing for me in Revit 2023.) I installed the free version, but it is not asking for Inputs. Is that a limitation of the free version or am I missing something?

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Hey @truevis,
Indeed, the free version has limited features and the Input detector is only available in the PRO version.

Thanks. Perhaps that limitation is something to update in your App Store & website descriptions.

Now, I shall try to get Data-Shapes working again (Revit 2023) for inputs.

Thanks! Indeed, we updated the description of our free version in Autodesk App Store and make it more explicit. However, we think it has been clearly shown in our website (


We are very excited to introduce you the latest features of NonicaTab PRO published in Autodesk App Store.

NonicaTab PRO (v4.3.1):

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend:Visualize how Dynamo scripts are run in real time in REVIT! By default, you only need to go to the Settings panel in our Revit Add-In, NonicaTab, and explore our interactive built-in graphs :bar_chart: but you can also connect your teams´ datasets or use PowerBI or Excel to create your own custom graphs. :chart_with_downwards_trend:
  • :snowflake: Freeze/Unfreeze nodes before running your scripts to run only the nodes you need.
  • :speech_balloon: Toolbar version control system to keep track of the changes and versions of your toolbars.
  • :clipboard: Detailed status report of the execution of your scripts.
  • :pencil2: Open Dynamo scripts in editing mode by pressing Control + any NonicaTab button.
  • :rocket: Enable/disable all shortcuts in one click!
  • :star: Shiny new installer that allows selection of several Revit versions in one installation.

Attached you can find the link to Autodesk App Store:

Important: In order to update from a previous version, you only need to download and install the new version on top :top: Don´t uninstall your current version or you will lose the configuration of your current buttons.

NonicaTab PRO in Autodesk App Store: NonicaTab PRO. Advanced features. | Revit | Autodesk App Store :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:



NonicaTab PRO v4.3.3.1 is now published in **Autodesk App Store.**:tada:

Some of the new features available are:

:recycle: Sort input nodes: Alphabetically, by X position, by Y position or date of creation.

:back: Set the preset value in input nodes: Work faster, go to your previous value in one click.

:zap: Custom selection node, Spec Types, Group Types and custom package nodes are now also detected.

:rocket: Improve performance of built-in usage charts: Load and filter your usage graphs even faster.

Important: Update now by just installing this new version on top! Do NOT uninstall your existing version or you will lose the configuration of your toolbar.


Click here :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: to download from Autodesk App Store ( FREE 30 day trial! ).

Have a great day!

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:zap: Change Revit Buttons remotely :zap:

Do you know that you can update/change Dynamo scripts remotely in other computers´ Revit buttons?

3 Simple & Easy Steps:

:rocket: Use Connect with your nonica file in OneDrive in as many target computers as you want.

:dart: Export new changes into your nonica file.

:heavy_check_mark: Revit buttons in target computers will auto-detect a new version of buttons and automatically make changes effective when running a script.

You want to know more details? Have a look to our 5 minute YouTube tutorial. :movie_camera:

This feature was actually asked by a user.

What other features would you like to have in NonicaTab PRO? Leave us a comment :point_down:t3:

#nonicaio #dynamo #dynamobim #revit #bim #nonicatab

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NonicaTab PRO v4.3.3.2 is already published in Autodesk App Store. :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

New features and improvements are:

:grey_question: NEW. Assign custom help URLs to your buttons: Pressing F1 when hovering over the button will open the web link or folder that you want.

:thought_balloon: NEW. Additional Output nodes detected. For instance, Watch Image enables you to display images from Dynamo directly in Revit.

:mag_right: NEW. Show Outputs automatically: You can set up your Input Window to automatically expand if Outputs are detected.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: NEW. Collect data in your computer only if you want: You can now enable or disable data collection directly from your setting panel.

:recycle: NEW. Compatibility with Revit 2024 and Dynamo 2.17.

:rocket: FIXED. Custom definitions created by you: If you create your own set of nodes in Dynamo definition folder, those are now also detected and included in the Export and Import process.


Click here :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: to download from Autodesk App Store ( FREE 30 day trial! ).

Important: Update by just installing this new version on top! Do NOT uninstall your existing version or you will lose the configuration of your toolbar.