Attaching Wall between floors

Hi everyone,
Is there any way I can attach a wall between these two floors using dynamo , please keep in mind that the floor has a slope,
Thanks a lot

It’s been a few years since it was last asked, but it appears there still is not a means of attaching the wall’s Top/Base to elements in the Revit API. Instead you’ll have to edit the sketch. This isn’t super easy, but this post illustrates how that can be done: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste - #20 by jacob.small

The difference between that example and yours is that you’d want to redefine the limits of the sketch to the top of the floor and the bottom of the ceiling/roof/floor above. Pulling the location line of the wall, and projecting it to the respective surfaces of the floor and roof/floor/ceiling above should do the trick; From there you can loft between the two curve sets, and use the perimeter curves of that surface to get the desired result.

Thanks a lot Jacob,
Forgive me I have downloaded the script in the other post, But my knowledge in dynamo is limited,
can you please illustrate via nodes or something Visual I didn’t know exactly what should I do

Sadly I’m in an airport for a few hours due to a missed connection, which means I don’t have a CPU to build the tool for you. As a guide:

  1. Start by drawing an line in Dynamo, and using one of the two Wall creation nodes to create a wall.
  2. Select the floor and (calling the upper one ceiling) ceiling element in Dynamo using two Select Model Element nodes.
  3. For the floor: Use an Element.Faces node to pull the surfaces of the floor.
  4. Use a Surface.NormalAtParameter node to pull the vector (a direction) which each face is oriented.
  5. Pull the Z value of the vector using a Vector.Z
  6. Use a LIst.SortByKey node to sort the original list of faces (#3) by the list of Z values (#5)
  7. Use a List.LastItem to get the ‘most upward oriented’ face of the floor. Select all the other nodes created and disable the geometry preview (right click on the workspace background) to ensure you’ve got the right one.
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for the ceiling, but utilize a List.FirstItem node instead of the List.LastItem to get the ‘most downward oriented face’.
  9. Use a List.Create node to join the floor and ceiling faces into a list.
  10. Use a Curve.Project node to pull the original location curve (#1) onto the surfaces in the list (#9)
  11. Use a Surface.ByLoft node to build a surface showing a zero depth version of what your wall will want to look like when done.
  12. Pull the perimeter curves of the surface to get the outline curves.
  13. Utilize the tool in the graph linked above to edit the sketch of the original wall (#1)
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Thanks a lot Jacob I will do such a thing
Very grateful

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The Wall.byFace node expects a (face surface) from Revit?
Is there a node that allows to change the dynamo surface in front revit without going through the creation of an auxiliary family


Just a thought could probably be another way, create your walls with over heights so you are sure they overlab your floors, find the plane on floor surface, create a void on that then use cut geometry from clockwork…but just a thought :wink: the best is Jcobs amazing solution

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Hi Jacob,
forgive my ignorance I have been trying to do the writing here that you have provided me , but it seems that I cannot understand without the visual stuff,
I might be doing somethings wrong ,
I’d really appreciate if you could help when you have the time

Hi @sovitek may I ask what are the nodes used here in this process
Thanks a lot

yes you can…in my idea is all nodes ootb except cut geometry as is from clockwork and synthezise if you are in 2022 for create void…here is my idea :wink: something like that…But think Jacobs way is best but that way its just pretty new for me :wink:

Thanks a lot Dear , I will see what I can do here,
again thanks for the fast reply

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Here is rough exemple for walls…

@sovitek Thanks a lot Dear , I am trying to download the node right now seems that I have a problem downloading it

Hi Sovitek,
I tried your approach and it is working like I want but I really don’t want the voids , and the model is becoming heavy like this , Looks like you understood Jacob’s solution in this post and you told me it is better , forgive me for asking I’m a newbie but I am trying to do what he did I do not know how will I use the nodes I would really really appreciate if I can have a visual representation
Thanks a lot

What have you tried? So far you’ve only posted Revit screenshots, which makes it impossible for us to guide you along.

Give it a shot, post a sample rvt and .dyn, and the community can help you grow from there.

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Jacob has explain it very well…so try to do exackly whist he say…Line by line :wink:

Hi Jacob,
Sorry for the misunderstanding I have tried the wall.byface approach In which I can try to create a sloped wall according to the Z axis

it didn’t work I tried the wall.byprofile (Wombat Dynamo Package ) I couldn’t do it
There is this script I found on the internet it have the same purpose(drawing Sloped walls ) But I don’t know why it is not working it says can’t make extrusion of the walls
Create Wall_ByProfile (error ).dyn (88.9 KB) This is the excel Sheet I am using for it
Copy of 3 Walls Excel.xlsx (8.0 KB)
I have no idea if it can be done But If I can just get a lead or a starting point on how to add a slope to the walls according to Z elevations that would be great
I have also tried the written approach above but I didn’t quite understand it very well, Forgive my ignorance as my experience in Dynamo is only a couple of month , I Would really appreciate any help

Hello if you can live with “wall by face” with these limit it have something here should work…havent tried Jacobs way yet…if you are in 2022 use synthezize “insert family” instead of springs

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Synthesize Toolkit?
One of my favorites!
If you delete the original Mass, it won’t update. btw.

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Yeps Marcel true if we delete the mass no upgrade :wink: yes a great package and specielly for geometry…btw with that way the mass comes in as a family and not family in place, i guess it will be faster just upgrade again in dynamo vs edit family

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