Creating individual walls to follow the course of a roof

How can i create walls in dynamo that are following the course of a roof like a gable wall?

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you can fix it to the roof.

personaly i would model it even as a curtain wall with mullions.

Hi ,
I already know this method but thank you. I would like to try it in dynamo. I’m currently in the process of automating a steel hall using dynamo.

Hi @Paxton1701 probably wall by profile could help

This is the only way, as there is no ‘attach top’ in the API as of now.


yeah or a wall by face with these limits…depends :wink:

Thank you so much. I would be very grateful if you could show this kind of method in Dynamo. Im new into it.

First be aware there is a difference between Revit Geometry, and Dynamo Geometry
Dynamo Geometry is your playground where you can do the fun stuff, and edit the Revit file as you execute the code. (Run/Edit my file)
Now imagine
What if you could get stuf from the Revit file in the Dynamo world.
All you need is the edge of the the Geometry closest to the ground,. to get to the outline/centerline of the walls to be created, right?
Once you get that line it is bound to be in the shape you want of some sort.
You need to get that line and lower it in the Z axis to be able to create a Wall with its height set to the original place where you got the lines in the first place.
Hope it helps

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This won’t do all the work for you, but it and the other posts in this thread are a start: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste - #6 by jacob.small

I understand that you’re new, but until you learn some advanced stuff you’re going to be limited to basics, so it’s either going to be a few weeks of learning or settling for not generating all the content.

You might also want to look into wall by face methods, as this is a bit easier to semi automate (place the mass with Dynamo, then manually generate the walls with a few clicks).