Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste

Modified version here:
modify sketch to given lines - share out.dyn.dyn (22.2 KB)

Works like this:
First use: Copy lines to show overlapping making a non-issue.
Second use: Completely overwrite old sketch, making the new shape instead.
Third use: Moving sketch lines between non-parallel sketch planes… That wasn’t a part of the stated request but this is my free time and I had an need for this on a project back when I was practicing, so why not go crazy with it?

There are some limits, and be certain that the edited shape doesn’t lose any hosted elements (ie: doors in a wall that no longer touches the door’s insertion point) and other dependent elements (ie: I am not sure that there isn’t a situation where a model line somehow hosted open the sketch but outside the sketch itself could be removed - initial testing shows it is ok). I have provided the previous curves as well as a list of the actual model elements which were removed from the model as a ‘undoable check’ should there be a future need for debugging this.

Hope this squares you away. :slight_smile: