How to create a wall with uneven/decreasing or increasing height

Thiis week I´ve been learning how to code using Dynamo, and I´ve been able to get to a point where im coding walls, but for the project im currently embarqued with requires the wall to have a varying height, all the node blocks I can find for wall creation only have one input for height and when you input a list it only takes into account the first value.

Could someone please let me know if its possible to do so?

Sorry for no screenshot, it wouldnt let me introduce it as Im a new user

Looks like you are trying to do this.

Hi @TFerreBews and welcome to the community :wink: yes you could try with wall by face as mention, with these limits it gives or with some voids…i would try with wall by profile…


Thank you guys

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Is there a way for it to be fully done in dynamo without accessing revit?

Yeah, but depends on the situation, in my exemple i just draw the profile as i dont have any other component to follow…if you want then share you files so its easier to see the problem and what could be done…you could use filetransfer,webtransfer etc, and share the link here…

or do you mean run in sandbox ? without no revit at all ? dont think thats possible with the wall profile node

So basically, i’ve been asked to produce a T wall code that can be introduced to revit throught dynamo so that the company im working for doesnt have to keep drawing them over and over again, i have gotten to the point where the t wall is made through excel and a coordinate system, but its just the height hat im missing, ive used the coordinate system to draw the lines to produce the floor and wall that its composed of.
Im not quite sure how to transfer files, but i can describe the code which i believe will give you the exact idea of what its composed of.
The code is composed of 5 groups, The excel file reading group, 2 coordinate placing groups for the wall and floor, which divide the lists read in excel into sublists then points which are fed into coordinate by points nodes, these are then used to draw lines and are then fed into the wall and floor making nodes.
Hope this helps to put my problem into perspective abit more.

If i seem a bit slow its because its not that im just learning dynamo, its that ive never even used revit before, so it has been a challenge to say the least.

i can see that you have used a wall by profile, is this from a particular library? If so is there any way i could code this, as this would mean that any computer i share my code to would have to download the library as well which could be a hassle.

Thank you a lot for the help again, i really appreciate it.

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no worries we all have been there :wink:

The wall by profile is from wombat package

these packages, are they external plugins or are they pakcs made from code blocks that anyone could make?

its a package can be download from package manager

Is this necessary to download for the problem i have?

If you will wall by profile with a node then you will need that package or create your own in python or C#…its actuelly the only package there have that node as far i know,probably im wrong

Okay Thanks

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Installing a package and managing that deployment is orders of magnitude easier than building and maintaining your own code base to access the Revit API to create the same form, but if you wanted to go the API route this might help: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste - #19 by jacob.small

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allright i was wrong as usual :wink: synthezise toolkit have one written in python or try Jacobs awesome code…