It works well to set the Watch node as the output of Dynamo Player.
Besides, for my case, I need to show the Watch Image node as the output. Is there any tips to show that?
Thank you
It works well to set the Watch node as the output of Dynamo Player.
Besides, for my case, I need to show the Watch Image node as the output. Is there any tips to show that?
Thank you
FYI @LilliSmith
Hi @ahmadaldo We are interested in this idea of using Watch node as an output for Dynamo Player too. What is the use case that you are interested in enabling here? What would be helpful for you to show in the watch node for Player? Images? 3D Geometry? either? Both? Who will be using this and what will they be trying to accomplish? Thanks for any insights!
you can use data-shapes to display image via logo
Hello @LilliSmith I am planning to show a graph and/or illustration based on optimization process. An example is the following figure:
That’s an example of a metaheuristic optimization graph from a previous forum discussion:
It would be great if we can show that image inside the Dynamo Player. For my case, I can show graphic (image) to evaluate how good my model, by only utilizing Dynamo Player.
Let me know if you have suggestions.
Good idea @christian.stan ,
let me try
I also have tried to do this without success. Just to be clear, I want to set either a Watch Image node or a Watch 3D node as an output for the Dynamo Player. I have several scripts where it is preferrable to use Dynamo Player over the regular Dynamo graphical interface. With a regular watch node, I can give the node a custom name and then mark it as “Is Output” in the right-click menu. The Watch node will then appear as an output in my Dynamo Player. Why does this process not work for Watch 3D nodes or Watch Image nodes? Is there some setting I need to change or some step that I am missing? Or is the process of using Watch 3D nodes/Watch Image nodes not supported or implemented within the Dynamo Player?
Hi @austin_perigee! Where (and what version of that host) are you running Dynamo Player? Watch image and 3d outputs are supported starting in Revit/Civil 2024.
Hi again! It looks like there’s actually a bug with Watch 3D output nodes in Civil 3D. We’ll look into that. But Watch Image output nodes should work. Here’s a graph and screenshot of an image output in Civil 2024.
watch outputs.dyn (17.4 KB)
Could you share a graph that isn’t working for you?
That’s interesting. Maybe there is a bug in my Watch 3D nodes AND my Watch Image nodes as well. I have more input which I left out, because I can generate normal Watch nodes. But mine looks something like this.
Let me know if there’s anything I can do, otherwise, I’ll look to future releases where hopefully these bugs can be fixed. Thanks
Your screenshot is working as intended, actually! You’ve generated a 1 pixel image, which I can just barely see at the center of the Test Image box in Player. Dynamo’s node scales up the image to a set size, Player just displays it at its actual size. Did you try the graph I attached above?
Thank you, I see the error of my ways. That fixed it. Just hoping the Watch 3D node can be fixed next
Henceforth I’m calling you Trygve "Hawkeye" Wastvedt
as even after opening the image full size I didn’t notice that dot!