Hi, is there a way to now include a result on the dynamo player once the script finished? i saw that you can assign a output check on a node if you right click on it but i don’t see anything showing the value.
I think Is Output is still just for Refinery. You can use something like Data Shapes or another custom node to display a dialog box at the end of your script though.
Hi Nick, thanks for replying. I searched on the packages but i couldn’t see any Dialog Box solution. Do you know where i can find some information about?
Put a watch node at the end, rename it to something else (maybe “Result”), and set it to “Is Output”. You can have multiple outputs as well.
Data Shapes is the package, but there are others that have a dialog or user message node. I would definitely suggest checking it out. It has many other input options that Player lacks, however, @zachri.jensen’s solution is probably more what you’re looking for if you’re using Player for inputs already.
Very cool, didn’t know we could do this. Thanks Zachri!
Can someone help me out? I have followed the steps as identified in this thread. (Meaning, I have set the watch node as “Is Output” and Renamed the Watch Node. However when I try to run in Dynamo Player the result tab is greyed out as shown here:
Thanks in advance for any assistance, you guys have been super helpful!
Hi Austin ! Maybe this issue exists because the output windows in dynamo player isn’t compatible to show lists. As a turnaround, you may try converting the list to a string firstly then passing it to the watch node
Thanks, I think I figured out my issue. It was mentioned before how it is not enough to mark the Node as “Is Output”. You must also rename it. Once I did this it fixed the issue.
That’s strange for me as I was able to display outputs without renaming them that way.
A post was split to a new topic: Watch Image node as output in Dynamo Player