Hi guys,
I am using dynamo player for the first time and I ran into a problem.
I have made script and there i set four nodes as input (blue) and three nodes as output (red).
When I open the script in dynamo player it gives the inputs, just as I selected them in the script.
However, it gives the wrong outputs. Somehow the black nodes are given as output…
I never selected those nodes as output in the script, but I just can’t seem to change anything in the outputs in dynamo player.
API Integration.dyn (271.4 KB)
Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?
Thanks in advance 
Kind regards,
Bob van der Hall
Hi @BobvanderHall
Those black nodes are watch node (As far a I can see)
There are some rules for watch nodes within the Dynamo player.
The Dynamo Player will not show watch nodes wich are not renamed, even if they are marked as output
The Dynamo Player will show watch nodes automatically when renamed and if the node Is marked as output
So to solve this, uncheck the “Is output” setting on the watch nodes OR don’t rename them

Hi @Joelmick,
Thanks for the reply!
I will try it right now.
okay thanks! The watch nodes are now gone from the player, so that is positive.
however, the nodes that I want in the end are not displayed at all.
any ideas on how that’s possible?

Are these custom nodes? Some custom node cannot be displayed as an output in the Dynamo Player. All nodes can be marked as output, but not every node can be visualized in the Dynamo Player.
Maybe contact the maker of the custom nodes to see if this is possible
oh this is probably the case. I used multiple nodes from multiple packages.
Is this also the case with self created python nodes? since they are also not popping up in the dynamo player.
Nope Python nodes are also not viewable in the Player, but you can use watch nodes to view the result of the nodes.