Sequense within Dynamo? UI.MultipleInputForm++

This should not be difficult too implement I will do that. Thanks for the feedback it’s very helpful !

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Glad it works for you ! :slight_smile:
Yes there is a way to do that. I guess I can make it an option.

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Also a nice update in the future would be to modify the form width/height/text distances etc, without modifying the python script.

@Mostafa_El_Ayoubi firstly, thanks for creating a great package - its helped to shape my UI design and I’m already planning a future release of my package utilising these forms for better Revit Player integration. Naturally all credit will be given!

@thurevit3 vertical scroll is surprisingly a bit of a nuisance, but I happen to be implementing it on a current project:

This is very much WIP as the form I require is going to be heavily customised (tabs, defined size, columns etc), but here’s a snippet of adapted code from the UI.MultipleInputForm++ node which achieves the vertical scroll. Basically, it requires a column to structure the data. Hope it helps, and ultimately finds its way (albeit improved!) in the Data-Shapes package:

for i,j in zip(inputnames,inputtypes):
	j.__class__.__name__ == 'listview'
	lv = mylistview()
	lv.Values = j
	lv.CheckBoxes = True
	lv.View = vi.List
	lv.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending
	[lv.Items.Add(i) for i in j.keys()]
	lv.Location = Point(xinput,y)
	lv.Width = 360
	lv.Height = 200
	lv.Scrollable = True
	lv.View = vi.Details
	y+= 230
	header = ColumnHeader()
	header.Text = "View List"
	header.Name = "col1"
	header2 = ColumnHeader()
	header2.Text = "View Type"
	header2.Name = "col2"
	header.Width = 160
	header2.Width = 160
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I had the same issue, thanks for this!! :slight_smile:


Hi, I have a question. It is possible to implement your script adding a drop-down menu?

Hi @Tortoise

Please ask your query by creating new thread and link this topic as reference. This topic is already solved. Thanks :slight_smile: