Hi all,
I’m having an issue with my script. While running it, normal and from the dynamo player, when it comes to sheet selection part of the script it happens twice. I select the sheets I need created once and in the next step it asks me to select the sheets again.
Any idea why?
Thank you.
It very likely is to do with the list lacing and levels going into one of your many multipleinput forms.
Can you do a closer zoom in to the multiple input form which is being generated twice and expand the lists feeding into it so we can see the inputs
Hi @haganjake2
Is this better?
If I run the script as it is there, I only need to select the sheets once, but the output is only 1 list (the drawing numbers). I need both lists, Drawing numbers + Drawing Names. 
If you need to outputs, the length of the list coming out of your list node should be 2. Currently it is showing 1. The only thing I can think to suggest is change the values input to be list L1 so that it reads each item from your list.create separately. But, you need your key value pairs to match of course so you would need to probably do the same for your keys input too.
But it’s hard to know what is going on without seeing your node outputs expanded.
If you expanded them all so I can see what each node is being fed that would help.
Your key/value inputs must have the same list structure and length. Currently, they have neither.
Do you want Datashape dropdowns separately? 1 for drawing numbers and 1 for drawing names? Or 1 dropdown list with drawing number + drawing name?
Yeah I want my key values to show Number & Name when selecting drawings.
Ok, so one list showing number + name? Are you trying to return the sheet element or just a string that represents “Drawing Number + Name”?
If you want just the string option do this:
The idea behind this script is to have
list 1 and 2 combined for keys when you select what sheet to create in Revit but for my outputs i still need to separate 1 and 2 lists for this node:
Which will feed into the Sheet Create node but for the life of me I can’t seem to crack it.
Do the step that I showed above, putting just one combined string into the dropdown input, then, once the input form returns that string split it again using the Hyphen as the character to split the string by.
That’ll give you a sheet number/name as separate items.
But your key/value lists need to match or it wont work.
Definitely the easier solution to combine for the user then split again after for the script.
Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll go with that.
Thank you.
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