Remove deleted shared parameters

I would like to know if its possible to filter out allready deleted shared parameters? Actually, if you delete them manually in revit, you will still find them with with Dynamo, there is a ton of duplicates. Would be nice if I could filter all the “deleted” shared parameters, and remove.

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GetDublicatedParameter.dyn (30.3 KB)

Maybe you can modify the graph! i had a similar issue…



Hi @Anders_Haugaard try delete permanently a shared parameter using dynamo, not use the manual method. Cheers

Hi @Anders_Haugaard , Ive been playing around with something similar think this should be close.

210317_SHARED PARAMTERS(WIP).dyn (69.5 KB)

Hi @Kai looks promissing, To compare GUIDs is really good idea!

I would give it af try. Ill get back soon…