Another FYI: Your data is too large to readily process - the values at medium geometry wind up too close to generate points, and the values at extra large geometry loose the precision which make them valuable. This is why you’re getting ‘bad’ curves at all scales. Shifting them closer to the origin by subtracting the minimum value from the list, then building the curves should resolve this. You’ll have to shift stuff back to the project base point when done (assuming that matters to you).
Not shifting them will eventually result in this warning: Warning:
Your inputs lie outside of the allowable modeling range, consider choosing the Extra Large setting with a modeling range between 1 and 100,000,000 from the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog
This is Dynamo telling you that you’re asking it to deal with too many numbers - it has a 10 digit working range - beyond that and you lose data on one side of the decimal or the other. The nurbs curves made at this scale (no mater what value you work with) are going to be jumpy - literally.
Changing the geometry scaling will resolve this to some degree, but you’re going to want to move things to the origin eventually. I’d question the accuracy of these values in any case. If you’re actually in meters, you’re currently drawing at values 8,584,513m away from the origin - or 3/4 of the circumference of the earth. If you’re in feet it’s better at 3/8 of the radius of the earth, but still well outside a reasonable measurement tolerance.