I was wondering if someone could help me with this. Got CAD 2024 since last week. And one of my Dynamo Scripts is not working properly. I have the same input (list.flatten) but different outputs.
I’m wondering if it’s the node I use. And if there is a workaround for this problem.
This seems to be limited to Dynamo core - can you confirm your Dynamo versions (Dynamo > About) and provide the list of the points so someone can try to reproduce?
One thought is that colinear points are being discarded, another is that geometry scaling is removing duplicate points for you.
PolyLine - an AutoCAD object, is not the same as a PolyCurve - A Dynamo Object. You’re not building a PolyCurve by generating a Polyline, nor are you building a polyline by generating a PolyCurve.
Typically we need the real XYZ values, not the string representation of the points thereof. WItht he values you provided I get the following from a PolyCurve.ByPoints node:
This is the file. But I already checked on a different PC and it worked on that PC.
But it is not working on my PC, so I will check if it’s my PC that is erroring
I have checked and tested it. Colleagues didnt have the problem.
I think it’s my Dynamo Script that bugs and saves the bug.
I have restarted my PC and then everything works fine until I run my Dynamo Script.
And after running the polycurve node makes less curves.
I’m going to recreate my previous script and check if it works.