I am trying to generate a smoothed curve through a number of points.
(incidentally- this is to create a model element to approximate the camera path from Enscape- if you haven’t used Enscape- it is pretty awesome)
The problem I am having is that the curve is not smooth. I’ve tried a few things, including moving the points closer to the origin as described here.
Another FYI: Your data is too large to readily process - the values at medium geometry wind up too close to generate points, and the values at extra large geometry loose the precision which make them valuable. This is why you’re getting ‘bad’ curves at all scales. Shifting them closer to the origin by subtracting the minimum value from the list, then building the curves should resolve this. You’ll have to shift stuff back to the project base point when done (assuming that matters to you).
It doesn’t need to be ultra-accurate- just something that looks better.
I’ve attached the graph & data file- Revit needs to be in metres
Flythrough path v2.dyn (36.7 KB)
flythrough path.xlsx (21.9 KB)
An interesting problem, I had a crack and tried a few options, degree settings, combinations or Arc’s,etc but ran out of time.
Here is a Spline DWG smoothed using your control points, just in case it helps.
Smooth Spline.dwg (523.6 KB)
I will ponder this one overnight
thanks Ewan
yep, that DWG spline is what I’m after (without closing the start & end points)
Looks like you’re running into a limit on the degree of tessellation allowed in the two viewers - the geometry is correct though (Curve.PointAtParameter will show this).
Quick fix for the display: Use a Curve.SplitAtParameter to chop your nurbs curve into segments. I get good results at 10, but more separations means better results for the display.
Flythrough path v2_JWSedit.dyn (63.0 KB)
That looks really familiar…I built something like it for Target 8 or so years ago.