Key scheduling order

Hi, key scheduling …my favourite aspect of Dynamo/Revit

I have attached a definition, simple excel array with a screen capture showing the columns in a surprising order.

They should be in A,B,C…

Can anyone identify the reason for this?

I have another question: can I generate the project parameters in Dynamo ie Column A,B C…rather than creating them in Revit under project parameters required to push the excel data to Revit.Concrete Mix_Basic_Array.xlsx (13.4 KB)
Concrete_mix_table.dyn (32.0 KB)

To coin a classic expression: “Just when you thought it was safe enough to go back into the water…”

My apologies to @Nick_Boyts old ground Im afraid.

Here’s how you can create project parameters from Dynamo:

Unfortunately the image of your graph is too far zoomed out and illegible. The parameters (columns) should show up in the order you specify. You’ll have to post another image so we can better see what’s going on.

Nick thanks for the reply, improved image

Can you post another image of your Dynamo graph?

Zoom in on your graph and use the camera icon in the top right corner. If you’re zoomed out too far you can’t see the node names.

Not sure the resolution is any better

Don’t worry about keeping your whole graph visible. The screenshot function in Dynamo grabs the whole graph. Just get the nodes visible.

And some of the relevant node previews would be helpful so we can see what’s happening.

Thought it was a simple list transpose but didn’t seem to do the trick earlier

Couple of screengrabs

Ah. Because you’re doing each parameter separately there’s a chance Dynamo could run them out of order. Instead of feeding the ViewSchedule input from the original selection to each Key Schedule node, try stringing the output from A to the input to B and so on.

Hi Nick,

Thought that your idea would solve it…it didn’t but sent me in the right direction

Revised the dynamo def, didn’t seem to have any list issues revised definition
Concrete_mix_table_simplified.dyn (28.9 KB)

I do think there was an issue with Revit when I set up the project parameters manually by creating Columns A…D in Revit. I have a very basic grasp of Revit. I’m trying to set those in Dynamo following your previous threads.

What seemed to solve it was too close down and restart, although it took a couple of attempts dynamo and Revit.

Brought my notebook home…it was driving me mad.

There seems to be an issue when the Key Name parameter is used once that’s removed Revit the order seems to be as expected.



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Glad you got it worked out. It’s always a good idea to close Dynamo (and even Revit sometimes) and try to run a new definition from a brand new session. Sometimes the cached data gets mixed up when running graphs as you build them.

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