Install 1.3.2 after installing 2019

Hello all,

I need to run a script in 2016 Revit. I had dynamo 1.3.4 installed from Revit 2019 auto install. I have since uninstalled Dynamo 1.3.4 and 2.0.2 (deleted all found folders left after the install too) and Revit 2019. After all of the uninstalls I am still unable to install 1.3.2. “Dynamo Revit components will not be installed as there is already a newer version installed.”


I have read these post but they do not seem to help. In the first post, @des.hourihane was able to get it to install by deleting keys in the registry. I am not super familiar with the registry and well I think that says enough.

Does anyone know what is blocking Dynamo 1.3.2 from installing?

After 3 hours of searching, I found the below post from Autodesk. I have also now found and read the below GitHub post. I get the discussion and support the notion of only being able to support 3 years of software. However, if this is going to be the case the uninstall function should remove everything for the user. I am baffled as to why the solution is to have users manually delete files in the Registry. This is in no way supported by anyone regardless of how many legacy versions of a software are supported.

Watch out if doing either of the solution above then decide to install the latest service pack for revit 2019, this is because the latest service pack also includes dynamo 1.3.4 within. So it may be best to get your revit fully updated then to do the solution above.


I just ran into this- I had gone through the “Install 2019->Get Dynamo 1.3.3->Uninstall Dynamo 1.3.3->Reinstall Dynamo 1.3.2” process, and then I Installed the 2019.2 update… and now I have to do it all again if I want to run dynamo on Revit 2016. (Which is a requirement, we still have projects in 2016.) I’m assuming that I’ll soon be repeating this process for Revit 2017 when Revit 2020 comes out.

This did work for me but you need to do the copy before you run the install.

Steven- If you’re talking about the last post which describes updating the Revit 2019 install folders so that they install Dynamo 2 instead of 1.3.3: I have managed that for other users, and we are using that installer now. However, I don’t know of a way to unbundle an update/patch so I can substitute the files (In this case, the file is “Autodesk_Revit_2019_2_1.exe”).


No post number 4 (Tim’s second post) about copying and pasting the old dynamo folder. It was easy and worked well. If you have another computer with it installed just snag the files Tim listed.