Now i have a Cylinder. I want make it in dynamo environment.
Please show me.
Hello @hairido02022002 if you mean import into revit ? yhen you could try with direchtshape or this one here from spring
Thank you very much
I understand it.
excuse me. I can’t find it.
Which packs i can fine it
you will find it in spring package under familyinstance, just install from package manager, and be sure you have dynamoironpython 2.7 version 2.5 installed as well
I find two, Which pack
yeah none of them know its a little confusing with identical package names…but this one here is the real one…
Thank you very much
Excuse me.
I want to make pile automatic on revit screen.
yes thats what this node do, could you show your graph ?
In my opinion it was better to stick to your original post.
This is kinda a double post.
Hi @hairido02022002 yes be sure they have a unique name if there are multiple cylinders or try union them to a single object…try something here and see if that help
Thanks you
What is node’s role?
yeah it was just for have multiple cylinders in that exemple…take a look here
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate your help with my project!