I don’t understand.
Show me a solution
That is dynamo geometry not revit, you will need to make a family of some type or direct shape for it to be in your project.
Since you’re making piles I’d recommend placing pipe families, not just geometry. You’ll get better results this way in the long run due to the inclusion of BIM data in the families.
Using points in dynamo to control revit family.This is way how it works.
We need to see the data and its structures going in, Example here
But also, once you have made the instance you need to then insert it into Revit as a point.
Here is a method for doing so (Different Family create node bt same method)
You have a mismatch in what you are doing.
You are counting the number of solids before you union them so the data does not match.
Move the count an indicated in the green line if you want one family for all the cylinders.
delete the union node if you want 5 seperate cylinder families indicated with the purple line
If the second then your lacing the the Familyinstances by geometry might need to change as well, but play with it and see what you get
Just because we can bulk create 1000000’s of unique geometry instances doesn’t mean we should. You still need to apply your best practices for Revit when utilizing Dynamo. So: how would you do this manually if I took Dynamo away from you?
If it were me I would use a parametric line based family, loaded into the project once with an instance or type parameter for the radius (depending on the project).
Once that decision is made I would do the ‘one time’ steps (creating the family and loading it into the project - or better still loading one from my family library), and then have Dynamo create the instances at each line.
You didnt do this.
And you did not do this on your final node.
Expand the Data Nodes on the whole graph or on a troubled section you are requesting help with using the Pin button. Ensure that if you are doing this everywhere, that you do not obstruct the visibility of the wires correcting nodes, remember that nodes before and after the errored node as important as the node itself.
Whilst a agree with Jacobs suggestion, you can do it this way if you want, it is technically incorrect but learning how this way works important as well
I live in NZ so im out for the night, others might help.
Cant you give me exsample
More detail
I would also go with Jacob’s suggestion, make 1 family and place it at all the points on a line…
Family Placing.dyn (46.3 KB)
Hope that helps,
Use this as a guide to add parameters to families.
Basically what I said you should do before.
Build a family manually instead of via Dynamo. Do this once, and make it have all those parametric controls (depth, top radius, bottom radius, coordinates, material, etc.).
Then load that into your project. Then use Dynamo to create all the instances, and set the parameter values accordingly.
The problem with your current graph is that the geometry is ‘static’, and each instance is a unique type (check your project browser).