Design script definition that groups a list of shuffled curves into loops…
On the package manager search for tstngwtrs-GroupCurves
However the node doesn’t need to be downloaded, paste the below code in a code block and call grpCrvs(crv)
def grpCrvs(crv:var[]..[])
dis1 = (crv.StartPoint)<1>.DistanceTo(crv<2>)==0
ind1 = List.AllIndicesOf(dis1<1>,true);
bln1 = true;
ind2 = [Imperative]
while (bln1)
cnt1 = List.Count(ind1);
ind1 = grpIndx(ind1);
cnt2 = List.Count(ind1);
bln1 = cnt2!=cnt1;
return = ind1;
crv1 = List.GetItemAtIndex(crv,ind2);
return = crv1;
def grpIndx(ind:var[]..[])
ind1 = SetIntersection(ind<1>,ind<2>);
cnt1 = List.Count(ind1<1><2>)>0;
ind2 = List.FilterByBoolMask(ind,cnt1<1>);
ind3 = List.FirstItem(ind2<1>);
ind4 = List.UniqueItems(Flatten(ind3<1>)<1>);
ind5 = List.UniqueItems(List.Sort(ind4<1>));
return = ind5;