Remove inside opening curves

Hi, does anyone have a good method for removing inside opening curves of a perimeter curve. Such as window opening curves. I’ve been trying to extract the curve lines from a list when there’s 8 or 12 but no luck. Also trying to group curves in sub lists to try get surface areas and remove lowest but no luck.

Not bounding box

Without seeing the dataset, I would suggest trying this one?


pretty cool, although struggling on the repatch

What is the error on the Polycurve.ByJoinedCurves node?

The GroupCurves node in Archilab May be a better route for this as there appears to be an issue with your custom node. The input has 9 curves in the first sub list and your output has at least 12 curves in it.

If there aren’t intersecting/overlapping curves you could try extracting the longest PolyCurve from each sublist

wallsWithoutOpenings.dyn (20.7 KB)


Thanks @jacob.small I get the error “Warning: PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves operation failed.
Curve join produced more than one WIRE in PolyCurve”. So I read somewhere rounding the curve length up may help but Line.Direction gives me the error “Warning: PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves operation failed. Curve join produced more than one WIRE in PolyCurve”. Testing extending curve is not the answer which Im guessing you probably knew :slight_smile:

I tried Archilab group curves with all sorts of lacing but its not handling the curves in a sub list.

Thanks @Vikram_Subbaiah thats a good idea. Works awesome. I’m just loosing some surface patches. I think its due to the above issue with some PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.

Warning: PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves operation failed.
Curve join produced more than one WIRE in PolyCurve

Can you post an rvt with one such surface in it?