Dynamo data import from excel 2010

Hi I am trying to import excel data to dynamo.

I seem to have issues with the syntax.

Dynamo definition attached along with the spreadsheet note it is App_B_W7 tab that IO am trying to import.

Two options attached neither appear to provide the data expected

Any help wopuld be appreciated.

Running windows 7 enterprise, Dynamo 1.2.1 from revit 2017

Excel data is in the table in grey below



true into readAsStrings in the Node : Excel.ReadFromFile

(default = false)

Thanks Nico, no joy, possibly a lunch box version issue which is 2016 and excel which is 2010.

Process seems simple enough.


I recommend using Read Excel from Bumblebee Package.
In fact I’m using it right now to read excel. If you don’t feed file path it uses the excel file which is open now.


Thanks Petar,

I use Bumblebee with grasshopper so will load the package into dynamo…

I found a previous thread that identified the same issues.

It is odd as we have 6 installs on 6 machines not all experience it as a problem.

All running r2017 Dynamo 1.1.0 and Excel 2010.


Hello, could you please show what the warning says?
If the problem comes from Excel 2010, this thread could possibly help you to to find either a solution or the experts you need to talk to (use @ to reach them directly):


Warning isnt to informative, screenshot attached both excel nodes have the same warning.

We have installed Bumblebee which has soleved the problem for the time being.
Kenyon Graham

OK, it’s fine if it works now, I can’t find anything over this warning anyway…