Hi everyone,
i need your help please , i have an infrastructure project, and we already model all the manhole with a generic family and model sewerage pipes as a piping system, now i want to cut the a hole in the intersection between every manhole and pipes.
my idea to use Dynamo to place a based family voide on the surface of pipe , and after cut the generic manhole family with the based face void family.
you can help how i can do it please
Hello @ilyes.kezai and welcome to the forum…
yes its possible, could you show what you have tried so far ? and we can try help from there…
but one option is intersect your component and use familyinstance by geometry for create a void and then use cutgeometry…
Take a look here. How to get help on the Dynamo forums
I make the plan for the script to be like this :
1- Selectee by category all piping system
2- Make Family face based ( The family will be a cylinder extrusion void )
3- Select the both face of piping end (the two extremity of pipe get through the manhole) .
4- Place the void family on the end face of pipe (but the radius of cylinder void must take the same radius of pipe which I do not know how to make in dynamo)
5- After all void family placed on pipe extremity, will select all manhole generic family and cut by the void family
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sounds good with a plan
try it and if you go stuck then just share your dyn and other data and we can try help 
ok i will start make script in Dynamo and share what i stuck with
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Uploading: Screenshot 2024-03-18 112212.png…
i start make my script , but i did not find familyinstance by geometry , even i search in package
Hi @ilyes.kezai something went wrong in upload, try again and wait with reply before its loaded 100 %
Hello Ilyes,
Welcome to the community!
To cut elements, I usually use CutElements node from HotGear package. You can check it out. To model a void family you can check out Spring package or Void.ByGeometry node. After you created the element, you can use the CutElements node.
ok thanks for your comments , i will try those nodes and check if success
Hi @ilyes.kezai try something here

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Hi @sovitek , i have two days trying but still failed, i will try your script , i am really so thankful for your help.
i try the same node by still can not also.
if you are in 23-24 be sure you have dynamoironpython 2.7 version 2.5 installed as well…you are welcome to share a rvt sample as in your image and i can test
try as here and see if it could help…

void.dyn (26.3 KB)
still can notalso , for me i did not find the ElementCut geometry form Clockwork, so i use Cutelement from Hot Gear , normally those nodes same ya
allright guess it should work with hotgear as well, but strange you dont have the clockwork one…do you have Bakery installed btw ?
yes i have installed Bakery, any node from Bakery can cut element ?
thats why probably you dont see all clockworks node…that package Bakery havent been updated for years and gives conflict to other package…i recommend uninstall that and dont use it
yes its seems Cutelemnt not work.