Hi, Thanks in advance for reading this. I’m new to Dynamo and I´m struggling with something that should be so easy but I can’t find the solution. I’ve sought many of the questions here related to familyinstance by face topics but for one or another reason, the solution doesn´t seem to solve my problem, which is the next.
I created a simple “Generic Model Face Based” family. It’s as simple as just a squared extrusion that represents a steel plate. I want to place this family in all the W beams in my model just in the center of the element always in one face. Find attached the example of what ridiculously easy is when it comes to a “FamilyInstance by point” Node. However, I cannot use this node because the families are set in the coordinate z=0 of the revit model and no in the top face of the beam, even when the z coordinate is the coordinate of the line. I want to place this steel plate family in any face of any shaped beam or column. I don’t have problems extracting or getting all the faces from the element, also I can select exactly which face I want to place my family in, but at the moment of place the family there is always something that doesn’t let me do it. I tried 3 different ways that I saw and nothing works. Please help. This will save me a lot of time.