Cutting beams with multiple voids

Does anyone know where i can find an example of a dynamo file that runs multiple cut of void family on beams?
So basic I’ve got a composite building with lots of steel beams and those steel beams have horizontal penetrations running through them. Just one floor I’ve got about 400 penetrations. The void is a generic model family, but the problem is that I have to do cut geometry for 400times per level, and i’m trying to do it with a click of a button on Dynamo. Any ideas?


You can use Element.CutGeomtry from Clockwork or Cut.Geometry from Hot Gear.

I also suggest to cut the beams only with the intersecting voids otherwise your Revit file size will get very large (Tool Get Surrounding Elements from SteamNodes works great).


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Hi @sukuranew,
Something like this?
This is using Get Surrounding Elements as Giovanni suggested, coupled with Too.AddVoidCut, also from SteamNodes package.
You might have to tweak slightly, my version was finding all the bolts (Structural Connections) which intersect a given beam and then cuts out the voids. (the bolt family contains a void element to cut the bolt-hole)


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Thank you @rad1cal and @Giovanni_Brogiolo, you guys are legend.

Further to the above, my voids are in a generic model families. Under Categories node instead of just selecting all my generic model, how do I go about in filtering it to just a certain types of generic model family.
Below is a screenshot of where i got up to and not sure where to go from there?

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You’re so close!
All you needed was the All Elements of Family Type node in there to create a list of all the instances of each family (as you have it, you’re trying to feed the family type itself into the getsurroundingelements node, rather than a list of the actual elements of that family type). You were on the right track with List.Create, then feed the compiled list of elements into getsurroundingelements. See Below.

Don’t forget to ensure ‘‘Cut with Voids When Loaded’’ is checked within the families themselves too, otherwise nothing will cut.



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Genius @rad1cal.
Thank you.

I don’t believe it will, I’ve just tried this straight up in Revit without the dynamo and it seems that void elements won’t carry through into the current model from a linked model. I tried with a few various options such as ‘‘shared’’ etc. in the void family and no luck. You could try copy and paste those void elements in place into the main model and then run Dynamo, or there is possibly a different Dynamo solution to get it to do what you want - I’ll leave this for the more experience Dynamo users to chime in!

Utilize the cut geometry tool for each beam and be sure the void extends the full distance of the beams to be cut. Another tool is the “cut by face” tool, cutting one beam at a time. This will allow you to move the beam and cut together, if necessary.