Creating Rail Track By sweeping the rail Section In Civil 3d by considering inclination wrt. Cant Value

Please give me the idea for create rail by defined rail section and the inclination will be maintain the cant angle.

Available inputs: 1. Two Rail Tracks as 3d poly Lines/as feature Lines.
2. Rail Cross Section

Required Output:

Can you attached example drawing

Yes, as @hosneyalaa say, what have you done so far?
Please read this post as well How to get help on the Dynamo forums - FAQ - Dynamo (

Hi Please find the bellow Google Drive Link for Drawing file and Dyn file:Dynamo Rail Placing - Google Drive

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Can’t find any feature lines in the dwg-file. What is the purpose of them?

Hi @patrick.ericson
Thanks a lot for your valuable time!
Can You please redownload the drawing file from the same link.

There will be available the feature lines just below of the 3d Polylines.

Actually, I have tried by two methods i.e. 3d polyline and feature line.

Buenas amigo @haripada.jana como estas?
Disclamer: The correct way to do this is to create Assemblys or Subassemblys directly in C3D, the example I am going to share with you is only for didactic purposes.
The alternative is to create a solid by loft, the idea is to create coordinate systems along a curve and give them the proper rotation to each CS then simply place the profile on each CS and create the solid, it would be interesting to create a roller coaster.

I must insist that you go deeper into assembly topics, this will allow you to create rules and monitoring parameters that will tell you if your work falls within the current regulations and so on!

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Good point, I agree on that. It will also be better to use the cant from alignment and push it into the corridor

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Try this . I am think it is good