Civil 3D Toolkit Feedback thread







1.1.7 has been released, above some additions


Great stuff Paolo! Thank you!

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Good point. I’m using a Python solution for now. It gets the ID using the BlockTableRecordId property and then returns the block name. That can be used with Document.BlockByName for the constructor.


Warning: Profile.ByAlignmentAndSurface expects argument type(s) (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoNodes.Document, CivilDynamoTools.Objects.Alignment, CivilDynamoTools.Objects.Surface, string, CivilDynamoTools.Styles.ProfileStyle, CivilDynamoTools.LabelStyles.Profiles.ProfileLabelSet), but was called with (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoNodes.Document, Autodesk.Civil.DynamoNodes.Alignment, Autodesk.Civil.DynamoNodes.TinSurface, string, CivilDynamoTools.Styles.ProfileStyle, CivilDynamoTools.LabelStyles.Profiles.ProfileLabelSet).

I did not find the log, do you know which name of the log?

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Fixed that in 1.1.8, good teamwork


Thank you very much @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 His is such a cool update. Just tried the solids between surface node which i accidentally found. (Look at the description). Working super! Is the performance better with large surfaces than in Civil? Any idea how to crop the surfaces in quadrants before extracting the solids? If neccesarry at all.

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@FC_GN8 there is no difference in performance, it is calling the Civil 3D API, so if anything is a little bit slower. For Slicing, splitting, you can use Dynamo afterwards. And thanks for reporting the mistake in the description.

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@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1: Always welcome! Since Civil API is being used. Bulding solids between detailed terrain models might become difficult. I think we need the possibility to tile the terrains/apply borders and then create the solids for the tiles afterwards.

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@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 Great Job :+1: :clap:. Is it possible to have a dictionary of all these nodes? It will help users to know which node is used for there tasks.

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@craigp if you look in the installation folder you have an Autodesk.Civil3DToolkit.XML file, it’s a good start to see what comes with the toolkit


I tried the new tkcorridorfeaturelines nodes, they work perfectly, thanks @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1

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When I install versions > 1.1.6 only this option appears.

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@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1. I found the Dynamo log file relating to the ‘AddPipeByCurve’

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@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 I noticed that TinSurfaceExtensions.CreateSolids does not work with negative values. From the help docs:


On the same line it’s not posible to create the solid if we input a depth 0. It’s posible to do this manually tho.

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Would it work to lower the surface first and then extrude it upward?

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@keith.sowinski that’s a good workaround, or maybe extracting the solid and then moving it down. I had assumed it would be a simple fix since the option exists via the Civil 3D UI, but I just saw that the ExtractSolids method is not exposed via .NET. So perhaps it is a bit more tricky and there is a good reason why negative values won’t work.

Whatever the case, the core functionality is there and adding support for negative values would just be an enhancement.

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