That’s a cool request and I can add it to the node
Do you remark the files as read-only afterward though? Generally, I’ve seen Revit libraries be read-only on purpose.
The other though there is the user might not have permissions to modify the read states of the file, so that wouldn’t work, would it?
This will be in Rhythm v2023.7.4 shortly.
and here is a GIF of it in action. (Sorry for the external link, this forum only allows attachments up to 4mb )
Yes and yes, it’s typically used as an admin tool in my company so the associated users tend to be high trust and a good understanding of file management. If a project user is tasked with family upgrades we’ve got bigger issues at hand!
14 posts were split to a new topic: Rhythm Loading Error
It seems that the script doesn’t work on subdirectories. Is that right?