Batch upgrade families

Hi all,

I’m going nuts here…
This should work right?

I tried it with a longer script also, but that way the directory path didn’t seem to work either…
Am I missing something really simple here?

thnx in advance

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  1. Are you pointing at a directory of RFA files?
  2. Are your files read only?
  3. Do you have sufficient permissions to the files?
  4. If you open a file manually in Revit’s UI what happens?

It asks if I want to update the…freaking model…completely forgot that the families are put into a model…

Guess I will have to open the models in the background then.


Yeah, you could use some of the other Rhythm nodes to open the file if you would like. It has been on my todo list for a while to make an RVT upgrader too, but time is hard to find these days.


Hey Jansen,
Try this instead. Hope it will do.

Last time I used this one.
But it couldn’t close the files for some reason so I’m giving it another go today.

Hi all,
Batch.UpgradeFamilies from Rhythm package really does the job! There is one thing which is not working too well. While I can see that files in the folder have been updated it seems that the node is having trouble with showing the results. I’m working on Revit 2021 in Polish. The warning roughly informs about missing a specific key in the dictionary.
Batch.UpgradeFamilies Warning


Hi @oliwer.kulpa I have the same warning with a “Batch.UpgradeFamilies” node from the great Rhythm package of @john_pierson but it does the job.


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You can use Orchid package… it works well for me

whats the node for upgrading families in orchid?

I believe it is open file and close file. But… the downside of this is that it loads all of the files in memory at once.

FWIW, the Rhythm node should be working in the latest update.


Thanks John. It ended up working opening 4000 families! Rhythm looked amazing but it gave me some error during it and would stop on doge families . However not sure I have the latest latest

I’m having the same issue upgrading our families to 2023. Any insight into a solution for this? I can run the node once, and it will upgrade the families in a specified folder. However I then get this error, and need to delete the ’ Batch.UpgradeFamilies ’ Node and replace it to run again on the next folder.

It’s not ideal, but it works. Just curious if there is a way around this. I’m terribly new to Dynamo.

An alternative method is to get the files, then use a package such as Orchid to open the files in the desired build of Revit, then close/save.

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Thanks. I already updated our families using the ‘Batch.UpgradeFamilies’ node. When I updated the directory path it worked, so it didn’t make a huge roadbump in my workflow as my boss wanted to retain all the old families as backups so I was doing it one folder at a time anyway.

Still getting the Dictionary.ValueAtKey error trying to upgrade families from 22 to 23. Doesn’t allow us to see which upgrades had errors/were unsuccessful.

Turns out this was a simple fix (typo). Will have an update on the package manager soon


Awesome, thanks for the prompt response!

Does anyone know a way around files that are read-only? It won’t upgrade them, I was wondering if there’s a way to do a bulk save as by adding something to the end of the file name such as RVT24.

os.chmod method can achieve this generally - I use it in my own batch upgrade tools these days:

import os
os.chmod(filePath, stat.S_IWRITE )
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