hi guys, i am trying to upgrade RVT files from various older Revit versions (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) to my NEW Version 2020.
all files open and upgrade perfectly, but refuse to save. The Rhythm Error message isnt really helpful - “Can’t close the file. It has either been closed, or another weird error”
Strangely enough, upgrades of RFA files work fine with this.
If it’s a Workshared file you’ll most likely need to use a SWC node. I use either from GeniusLoci or Clockwork.
After the Open node use the Passthrough to wait on the SWC.
Hello guys, I have been using this self created graph to upgrade files (rvt and rfa) present on a folder, then another graph to rename the old files (revit will add “.0001” as a backup file