All Revisions per sheet written to Excel

Here is the Final iteration as @awilliams has defined it…
Revisions on Sheet - Final.dyn (82.7 KB)
Also, here is a version I’m preferring (for Pivot Table analysis in Excel) provided by Aaron Maller, but tweaked a little…I’m on v1.3.3 & for some reason works best for me when I set it to Automatic instead of a Manual Run…
Issue Tracking Report_Prlx.dyn (51.1 KB)


Thank you for the script. I added some headers to the script, but I’d like to also add some parameters e.g. Sheet Order and Discipline and sort by Sheet Order. I’ve tried a number of things, but it didn’t work. Essentially, I’d like it to export to Excel like this schedule format below and include a list of all the revisions. Where would be the best place to add additional parameters? Thanks in advance.

Hi @awilliams

The script works great, but I´m struggling with what I thought should be a simple tweak. I wish to repeat the Sheet number & name for each Revision:

I tried the “Multi-Rev” Sortings 1 & 2 but the final result isn´t the expected.

Also, is it possible to rearrange the final output so it´s sorted by latest revisions and not by sheet?

I´m new in Dynamo so any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hi @F_Vela, forgive me for replying to this so late. Have you gotten this sorted yet? I’d felt the annotations I included in the graph described what the function/purpose of the nodes/groups decently well, and you had the right idea by eliminating the List.Deconstruct. It seems what you’re missing is having done a List.OfRepeatedItem for each line to extend the sheet names and numbers.

As for your sorting question, the area of the graph towards the end is annotated to indicate where it is sorting by sheet. Simply change the index input for the List.GetItemAtIndex node that is connected to the “keys” input on List.SortByKey.

Hope this helps if you haven’t already solved your own inquiry. If you’re still having difficulty share your graph here indicating your changes and I can help you out more.

Hi, this script is very useful, thank you for sharing!

@F_Vela you’re going to heaven and if you’re new in Dynamo, I’m a monkey on a tree scratching my head, lol.

I’m trying to audit the revisions of a project by creating a list to compare it with past issued sheets, just to confirm we haven’t lost clouded items in old issued revisions, without publishing those changes (I have the theory we have).

Thing is, I couldn’t figure out where to attach the List.OfRepeatedItem described by @awilliams to create an excel file that doesn’t require to do a manual copy/paste. Where should this item be attached to to make it work?

Currently, I can be only thankful for sharing this tool on the internet and I’m doing a manual copy/paste in excel to keep the progress I need.

Thank you!

Forgive my beginnerness.

Been trying to reverse engineer this with my very limited free time using the direct-out-of-the-box dynamo to better understand the logic while learning.

What packages am I missing so the Node all work?
Is it possible to use non custom node/ scripts to achieve the same results.
