HELP! All Revisions Per Sheet to Excel

I am a dynamo beginner trying to find a way to export revision information into an excel spreadsheet. I found a script that @cftrevizo had posted on a different post (Here is the link if anyone is interested All Revisions per sheet written to Excel) regarding this topic, but am having issues understanding why the “Get Built-in Parameter” and “Revision Properties” nodes are showing up with errors from the very beginning. Are these from plug ins I have to download? Or part of some package I have to download?

Originally, I was thinking maybe I could set up a schedule that lists the different information I need, then have the script translate it to an excel sheet, but have not been successful when attempting that. My primary goal is to have a script that combs through construction sheets, finds all revisions, and creates an excel sheet that list the following:

  • Revision name
  • Revision date
  • Sheet number for each revision
  • Sheet name for each revision
  • What view in the sheet the revision is referring to (if possible)
  • Revision description

Any clues would be appreciated. Here is the script.

Looks like you’re missing a package. The red nodes are saying they’re missing.

When you open Dynamo… Do you have a window with some red X’s ?
If you do, look at which packages it says you’re missing.

If you’re in Revit 23 or later you should have this.

I do not see any red X when I open Dynamo, or the file. I’m running this on Revit 2023.

Should be on the right. If you don’t see it you can open it at the Extensions tab.


You need to open the graph in question.

You also don’t need any custom nodes to get this information anymore. You can get views on sheet, clouds in view, revision from cloud, and then all the parameters from the revision. The only issue you potentially run into is with dependent views. The owner view of an annotation (like revision clouds) is always the parent view. So if you have dependent area plans on the sheet, the cloud will still say it’s from the parent view and not the placed view. You can attempt to work around this by checking inclusion in scope boxes or bounding boxes, but it’s still a workaround.

I hope this is what you meant, I only see it shows “1/1 Custom node definition is not loaded! href=CustomNodeNotLoaded.html”

Unfortunately since I am a complete beginner, I have struggled trying to find the correct node names and linking them properly. Any clues as to how I could assemble it without a custom node?

Close - there is another extension in the pallet on the right called “Workspace References”. For a quick fix you need to open that and download the correct version of each utilized package for your current build of Dynamo.

The source of your struggle is that you are opening the graph (.dyn file) without content referenced into your environment. It’s like opening a .rvt sent by a collaborating firm where all the links are on their P drive - none of that content loads as a result.

As an alternative you can look into replacing the custom nodes with standard nodes, but that will require you take some time to learn how to find the right nodes for a given task. As far as ‘how’…

The task of replacing multiple broken references for you isn’t the purpose of the forum or the community at large. Take some time to identify what specifically each broken reference is intended to do, what inputs does it have, what outputs should you get. Then attempt to build the same on your own. It will take some time (the less experienced you are the more time consuming it will be to do so), but you’ll have a working tool which you can repair on your own in the future if you do so.

As a possible bit of help if you want to go the rebuild route (not at my PC so I can’t confirm): my guess is that some GetParameterValue nodes will remove many of the errors you face.

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I’m guessing the graph you have already includes most of them. What have you tried so far with the new information? Revision clouds you can get with All Elements of Category in View. The rest is just reading parameter values and grouping information.

Turns out that missing add on was Archilab I installed it but had no luck with the script. It ran, but I got 3 errors. I tried simplifying the script but I get a blank excel worksheet. I tried filtering sheets to only the ones under the “Construction Documents” category of sheets, then extracting the information I needed for the revisions from those sheets. I based this off of a youtube video I saw that used archilab (, but when I tried finding the “Elements.Ownerview” node he has on there, I did not find it. I tried working around it but was unsuccessful.

I attempted a workaround with GetParameterValues if you look at my reply to @Nick_Boyts. I think I tried simplifying the code too much, I had no success with getting anything in excel except for the category names.

We can’t read any of your zoomed out images. First, make sure to pin all the node preview bubbles. The logic is helpful, but if we can’t see what your graph is actually doing we’re still just guessing in the dark. Then, zoom in so that the node titles are visible and use Export as Image. The full graph will export, no need to worry about fitting everything into the workspace viewer.

Is this better? Sorry I’m on about day 3 of learning so still trying to figure out the interface and everything. I used grasshopper previously for my architecture classes so I’m trying to piggyback off of that knowledge to try to figure out command names and everything.

That’s part of it. You need to also pin all the preview bubbles so that your data shows for each node. Just hover over a node then click the pin icon.

However, we’re also asking you to try some of the other nodes we’ve suggested if you’re still having issues with the existing workflow. It’s equally important to show what isn’t working as it is to show what is working.

As for your current workflow… your excel data is not formatted correctly. Excel data is specifically structured as a singular list of sublists. Each sublist represents a row and each item represents a cell. Secondly, the revision data from the sheet is only going to show the latest revision on that sheet. If that’s all you need, then you’re almost there, but if you want all revisions on the sheet then you’ll need to get the revision clouds themselves.

Its telling me the attachment is too large to attach for the image export, so hopefully this screenshot is readable.

I tried adjusting the original script. So far I have got this to spit out the sheet number, sheet name, revision date correctly. The excel sheet is showing me the revision name not the revision mark, so not sure what the miscommunication is there. The revision comments are missing, and it is numbering the RFIs numerically instead of showing the revision mark. Any ideas how I can get the revision mark to replace the numeric numbering? I wonder if I am just using the wrong language for the category I need.

You need the Revision Cloud to get those properties. The Revision itself doesn’t have a Mark or Comments parameter. You need to follow the process I suggested above with getting the views from the sheets and then the revision clouds from the views.

Sorry for not responding I was sick. Tried incorporating this into the nodes but have been unsuccessful with producing anything on the excel sheet. It looks like its having a hard time finding the Sheet name/numbers i’m trying to pull, and I may not be connecting the revision elements correctly :confused:

Your very first filter returns an empty list. What are you trying to do there? You have “if sheet == 1”. What is that supposed to be?

The sheets that we can see don’t have any revisions on them. It would be best to filter out anything without a revision cloud since you don’t care about them. And again, a Revision is not the same as a Revision Cloud. You will have to get some information from the cloud and some from the revision associated with the cloud.

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I tried adding the revision cloud nodes as you suggested but had no luck. I’m trying to reverse engineer this script from a previous blog post I saw so there’s some stuff on here I’m still trying to understand myself. Not sure why but it works but it does. It spits out sheet name, revision date, and revision description without a problem. As soon as I add this area highlighted in blue trying to extract revision cloud information, I get a blank excel sheet (i tried organizing it how you sent but that didn’t work either). All I did was add an extra item to the combine list command, so I wonder if I may not be combining it properly, or if I am just not using the correct commands for revision clouds. As soon as I remove the revision cloud nodes, I am able to get a working excel sheet again. (I just noticed the code block for the revision cloud says sheet name and number, but I tried it with mark and comments and same result)

Reverse engineering a script that you don’t understand is usually more trouble than it’s worth. You need to make sure you understand the pieces and parts that you’re working with. Start with the easy stuff and then build off of that:

  1. Get your sheets.
  2. Get their views.
  3. Get the revision clouds from those views.

The part you have circled above is being fed the wrong information again. The RevisionCloud.Revision node is asking for a RevisionCloud but you’re providing a list of sheets. Work through the logic one step at a time, ensuring that you’re always getting the output you expect before moving on to the next step. If you get stuck, show us where you’re at and what isn’t working. There’s no point in trying to troubleshoot a graph filled with dozens of nodes when the first few are the ones that fail.