Worksharing/shared coordinate model is not giving desire result

Hi all, all of my scripts working well in sample and self created revit model but when i using same scripts in my office models where we have coordinate system/true north angle etc it is not giving me the desire results.

anyone have anyidea how i can achieve same output in the models with shared coordinate system

give or explain an example of a script

@Andrej see the below snip, how the script is able to sort coordinate Y and X vakues and able to sort the footing on it from least to max but when i am tring the same script in the model with site/shared coordinate system it is not gving me desire result, might be because of angle to true north or anything?

i am attaching my script too for review

PileTagsbyCoordinates.dyn (40.2 KB)

From what I understand, your model is not linked into the model of the site. It is live in the site? Am I right? It could be that you need to set up a new coordinate system in dynamo, and transform the points in correspondence to that new system. I never used that, and I hope other members will demonstrate. I’m attaching an alternative script that you can test. If you encounter the same problem, you need to set up a set up a new Dynamo origin. I recommend using the node CoordinateSystem,ByOriginVectors
To set up the origin, you need a point, and two vectors that will define X, and Y axis.

Its not a good idea to orient structural models on site. Its best to build them separately, and link them to the coordination model. The coordination model has TrueNorth/ProjectNorth relation defined, it is a model of the site, with the links of all other models, architecture, structure, HVAC, plumbing, power…

PileTagsbyCoordinates (revised).dyn (55.8 KB)

…and just to add this comment. In case your team used Shared Coordinates: shared coordinates are just boolcrap that creates confusion, and not many people really understand it. There is no need for shared coordinates. You model the site by absolute elevations, and place the links MANUALY where you need them to be.

thanks @Andrej, no the snip i gave you was from sample model in which it is working correctly, but yes in live model (site) its not giving a desire result. I will try this in a live model and let you know.

Unfortunately i can’t share by live model but i will share some snip.

Many thanks

Unfortunately i can’t share by live model but i will share some snip.

I never asked for model.

sorry i didnt mean that, if i was able to share the model it will be easierto you to help me with my problem