What is the best way to import dwg into dynamo as geometry?

I am trying to import lines from cad dwg, I have no code to share just looking for the best way to import. I do not have the translation tab

Hello @osayed643PD ,

You need to download few package, I am using BimorphNodes and LinkDWG packages.

i cannot find autocadlink node… I have linkdwg and linkdwg2 installed

@osayed643PD Sorry ,

I have change the code block name for users,
AutoCAdlink is - “Select Model Elements”
and Autocad layer name is “String”
“CAD.Curvesfrom cadlayers” is same name.

You need to select Cad file and in 2nd node , write the cad layer name, So it will read all the curve/lines present in that layer of the selected CAD file

thanks a lot!

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