Use GeniusLoci's SetElementOverrides to override element color in view returns null


I am trying to override the line color of some of the elements I filtered out in view in Revit through Dynamo. Right now I am able to find the OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties to get the override and Document.ActiveView to get the view I want. The default Element.SetOverrideInView seems like not refreshing the view I am currently on so I used GeniusLoci’s custom node View SetElementOverride instead. However, the output list of the final node seems like only exporting null elements. Could anyone help me identify where I did wrong? Thank you.

My script is provided below:

Hi @jackli9299,

Unfortunately the OverrideGraphicSettings of Dynamo are not directly compatible with custom nodes taht call the Revit API.
Use instead the Create OverrideGraphicSettings node.

What is the solution if you require the fields that OOTB doesnt have? Specifically the SurfaceBackground pattern and colour in my case

Hello, Genius Loci custom node (Package) has it, why hesitate any longer

when i have tried Override on a list linked elements in my active view the node has an output and work with no errors but it doesn’t work on the plane

The custom node does not work with linked elements.
I’m not sure it’s possible to replace the graphics of linked elements.

it is not at this time.

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