I’m trying a very simple task, which is to give a floor a foreground color fill. For some reason i am not getting errors but the floor is not overwritten in view. I am probably just missing something obvious here:
This is the selected floor:
This is the Dynamo script:
After running the script there are no overrides changed:
I deleted the topic because i thought i figured it out.
But i didnt…
When i add the ‘Active view’ node, the script works. But i’d expect the script to work without it since the node description says the following:
But i have to add the node for the override to work:
Might just tag @Alban_de_Chasteigner since i suspect something is wrong with the node?
The custom node is working as expected.
Check you Genius Loci package’s version. Your seems very old.
Hmm, This is the version im using:
just now realized there old node is in there somehow… May have copy pasted this from another old script i made two years ago…
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Or maybe you switch the view before running the graph and needed to refresh the active view.