Suggestion; Adaptive component for "Alias"!

Hi Michael,
thanks for the reply.
I am not familiar with revit as well and would like to stick to an alias/dynamo workflow.
What i am trying to achieve is something like this:
left my 2 surface alias panel, right my target: to mapping the panel on a wavy surface (grid via lunchbox, diagrid e.g.)

I know it is possible to extract points from the alias geometry, map those points to a grid and build new surfaces again. But for quick variants and explicit control of my panel inner design I rather stick to imported alias surface geometry and stretch/morph this to a new grid pattern. I think this is the whole great deal about revits adaptive components and families.

I spent a lot of time searching the forum posts, nearly all rely on revit or packages that need revit installation. I found these quite inspiring:

Alias curves stretch morph accordingly to this sample. Now I need this for a surface/solid.

Any idea is very much appreciated, and would be awesome for alias users!