Split structural columns with intersecting void or window

Hello everyone!

I am struggling with the following problem. I need to split structural columns, by an intersecting void (family I did as void and loaded in the project). Or possibly split the columns by a window, so that I can get the number and lenght of the columns that do not intersect with the void,window or other. I followed another workflow about splitting structural column by intersecting beams, but I cannot manage to solve the problem I described above.

What I want to do is:

  • get the points from the intersection
  • based on those points create new lines
  • create new columns based on those lines
  • delete the initial columns
  • get the lenght of the new splitted elements (one by one)

Anyone has any idea how to solve it?
Thank you!

Hi @gio you could try split by points from genius loci could probably work for you



Hi @sovitek!! That looks very good!!
I am trying it now, but I cannot find the Element.GetActualLocation Node. Could you please tell me in which package I find this?

Thank you so much!

its a ootb node think from 23…but you cab use element location curve from genius loci instead, should work for columns location line

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It works perfectly when the void intersects with all the columns.

There are some issues when some of the columns are outside the void. I guess there need to be made some adjustments in the lacing of the lists or so?

Yes keep in mind the split node expect as many elements as points…but try as here in that case


Thank you so much! :smiley:

I will try this tomorrow !

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Perfect!! It works! I had only to change the lacing of the “List.AnyTrue” into Cross Product.

Thank you so much @sovitek !

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