Creating a void/cut in a structural columns

Hi! I´m trying to make a dynamo script to cut a structural column wich is clashing against a structural wall. I´ve tried different methods but they are not working right now.

The script must erase the yellow part


Hello @jm.beltranA58E4 and welcome…something here maybe


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Thanks for ur welcome message!

What package did u use for the node Familyinstance.ByGeometry ? :slight_smile:

This one is from spring package

It worked with one column, but when I try it with 2 or more it “cuts” correctly just one column. This node FamilyInstance.ByGeometry could work for a list of columns intersecting a wall ?

Yes it could, be sure your voids have unique names or union them before input…could you show your graph ? or try something and play around with it