Space naming Utility


I am working on a project (MEP project) and having issues with the space naming utility.
The reason this tool is not working on this project, i think is due to use of design options by the architect.
when I link the Architect model to my MEP model and created spaces all working ok. When I try to use the Space naming utility to name the spaces, nothing happens.
So I like to use dynamo to name the spaces. I have manged to get the rooms from the linked model and filter the by the design option, and get their names / numbers etc.
my question is, how do I check which space relates to which room?
Thanks for your help in advance

Hi hoss, quick check. Is the linked model set to underlay? If so, uncheck underlay and try again to tag them the way you originally tried.

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Yeah i would say as @pyXam it sounds you have another issue, since naming utillity doesnt work for you…anyway you could try something here with dynamo…

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I have tried with underlay checked and uncheck and played with lots of other setting and no joy

Which package do I need for the “SpaceAtPoint” node please?


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yes sorry…MePover, but im afraid you have other issue…do you models share origin ?

I have acquired the coordinated from the Architect model, and when I turn on the, “internal origin, Project base point, Survey Point” in the VG, they all seem to be lining up.
But when I compare the location coordinates, from “Elemennt.GetLocation” between rooms and Spaces in my model, none of them match!!
I was hoping to use these and “Index of” and “Get Item at Index”, to sort the lists

yes sounds the dont share origin, try go to links vg and check if origin is on there as well, and check models origin and link origin match…if not you could try relocate so its match or try some geometry transform…Query about Geometry.DoesIntersect node - #10 by sovitek

Space naming.dyn (32.5 KB)
All seems to be working perfectly fine, thanks again for your help