Hi everyone,
I will post some screenshots of the problem I’m facing when trying to get the centroid of a complex solid model. I already saw some similar posts, but maybe by now someone has found a solution.
If not do you recomment any other way to get a centroid of my element?
Is it possible to somehow drop this element out of Revit in some kind of AutoCAD solid and then try to get the centroid there?
I’m a new user obviously and big bosses of dynamo forum decided I can’t post more than 1 pictures so I will use imgur post :
Element is a steel girder.
On some pics (with no error) are the centroids of per 1 solid in element, it works perfecty fine I would say.
And the rest (error images) this is when I try to use solid union node, (shortest lacing) (longest or cross gives the same result as if solid by union wasnt used, also flatten did not ofc make any difference since element solids uses 1 element only) (i tried using both element geometry and element solid).
Thank you very much for reading!