Reading Element Geometry

Hi folks,

I wanna get the geometry of STR elements and add an insulation layer for them. Through this process, while I select 2 similar elements as the picture below, the Element.Geometry node read one of them as Solid other one nothing. I really appreciate if you can help me.

@Sina ,

did you try also Element.Solid ?



Why is your lacing set to longest on the element geometry node?

Change that to Auto / shortest and then see what you get?

What does the warning on the node state?

Because the fist item of the list is Empty.

It was in Auto and I had the same issue.

Assuming the warning with Element.Geometry is the same?

Can you confirm the geometry scaling is set to medium?

What Revit version is this?

Anyone who wants to help would likely need the model to reproduce the issue.

@Sina ,

how complex is the geometry?

i have this always at rooms, walls ,… particulary when they joined, profiled and interesected.



Look into this also:

And you can always get geometry by Element.GeometryFast from huge and helpful Synthesize package. There will be some tricks to filter out what we need, ask here.

It’s a round steel STR element.

Can you post the model? I can’t reproduce.

Unfortunately, the website doesn’t allow me to insert the model, since know me as a new user. Please use the link below to download:
