Solid.ByLoft would cause Solid to lose its shape

I am trying to create a Solid by joining together cross sections that are aligned with respect to a line segment.
I am using Solid.ByLoft for this operation, but it is not working as expected.
For some reason, it appears to be connecting cross sections in a linear fashion.
The image is a Solid created in Dynamo, exported to Revit with Direct Shape and ifc output.

You can see that the shape of the top part of Solid is not correct.
The top surface should be smooth and connected, but it looks like a V.
I don’t think this is an ifc viewer issue.
I have also attached the file. Please check it out.
masstest.dyn (119.3 KB)
testfile.rvt (5.6 MB)

Ideally, we want to create a Solid that smoothly connects the cross sections we have set up. We want the start and end of the line segment to be perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the line segment.

Like this??

@s.iwasaki ,

how would you do it manualy?

like this:


Regarding IFC,

i think you have to play with Reference View and "Design Transfert View* to the test how geometry behave…



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one sneeze away from becoming an architect, jajajjajajaja just kiding. use Geometry transform to move the section trough the path!


@Draxl_Andreas @gilberto.arechigaiba
Thanks for the reply.
I was thinking of using Dynamo to implement a feature exactly like Revit’s Conceptual Mass.
I was trying to implement something like Conceptual Mass in Dynamo, where I would set up cross sections at predefined intervals on a single line and then join them together.
However, the way I thought of it, I could not get the desired result because the solid shape was not correct.

Thanks for the reply.
I was thinking of implementing a feature exactly like Revit’s Conceptual Mass in Dynamo.
It differs slightly from the image you attached, in that there is one reference Path. I was thinking of going against that Path and creating a Solid with cross sections set at intervals.

Is the solid ‘incorrect’ in Revit, Dynamo, or some other viewer? Why not use Dynako to drive a conceptual massing family and create an instance of that family?

Amigo @s.iwasaki buenas, this is the workflow that you need, firts i advice you to decide if you want to use solid by loft or solid by swep they work diferently i prefer solid by loft because give me more control about the transversal section, they can be diferent or rotate along the axis, this is what i do, i use Curve.Plane at parameter to create normal planes along the curve, this allow me make a soft solid, then i draw the section arround those planes, easy as that, then i just use solid by loft.

The history with the family type and family instance is diferent in 2023 they are default nodes, in previous version you can use spring nodes use the node family isntance by geometry, to create the family type you have to be very specific with the categorie, the family template path and the material, i let you an example. beware because you are only creating the family type definition not an instance, to create family instance use family instance by point, or family instance by point and level as you wish.

I let you my acount number in private message!! :cowboy_hat_face: