Looking at the image below I am getting a no parameter found error. I am fairly new to Dynamo so im not sure what im doing wrong here. Basically i am trying to change my Date/Time Stamp so that it doesnt show the time. I have been looking it up for a couple hours and trying to troubleshoot this but i just cant seem to figure it out. Hoping someone can jump in and give me a quick run down.
Have already gone through this. Revit uses “Long time” therefore there is no way to change the long time to get rid of the hh:mm:ss part of it. That is the part I am trying to get rid of.
also since I am calling the parameter off of the element it should be a parameter inside of the element at least.
That was my original point. It’s a title block parameter so you need to get it from the title block, not a text element. It sounds like you won’t be able to modify the format though because there’s no way to modify it in Revit.
@Nick_Boyts So I just decided to use the Sheet issue date and use a dynamo script to update the date off of that. Not try to change the read only date. got it to work now.
I was going to suggest writing to another parameter like this but held back for this exact reason. You would have to run Dynamo every time before you print.