Schedules - Modify Field Information

Hi All,
We have a series of schedules with fields that need nearly global changes. Currently out method is to manually change each drop down for all 500 or so items. For example we have an issue date that needs to be changed (don’t ask why) to another date (see attached). Is there a way to control the data in these columns either via Python or Dynamo? Not sure at this point how to access this level of information. Capture

So all drawings With an issue date of “2017.6.3” want to be changed to “2017.8.4” as a hypothetical example? Is the issue date a custom parameter or is it pulled from a revision?

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Hi @jacob.small it was a custom parameter we made in the sheet schedule.

A schedule is just that, it shows parameter values from specified elements. You don’t want to change the schedule data (you can’t.) You want to change the sheet data so that your schedule will show the correct information when placed.

Get all sheets in the project and the ISSUE DATE parameter values. Look for sheets with a parameter value containing or equal to 2017.06.26. Then set the value for those sheets to the new date.

Thanks @Nick_Boyts. The issue we have is that we have hundreds of sheets that we do not want to link in from other consultants. When we load these all in, even as dummie sheets, they add a massive about of data and slow down out model. So we have opted to go this route in order to save computational space. But there is this one small ‘automation’ issue that comes with this process. There has to be a way to access and modify these dummy elements.

So these aren’t real sheets? There still has to be an element that is being scheduled. That is where you need to modify the information.

No these are totally made up and hand typed. I’m late to the project so this is not my doing, just needing to fix the process now. I think the best method is to export to excel, autochange the cells and then reimport the excel as a new schedule. Perhaps there is a better way?

I can’t see any way that any number of placeholder sheets are adding enough data to your model to cause any performance issues. That said, I do see the value in having this in a separate model, in that it allows for adding data without altering the consultant work.

  1. Make a new project for just the drawing lists. Be sure to have deleted all views but the sheet list associated ones (the schedules and titleblock that contains them) and project homepage.

  2. Create a placeholder sheet for all trades drawings by reading a CSV or xlsx or the actual models. Be sure the CSV contains discipline and sort order.

  3. Add new parameters as needed.

The CSV or xls in step two can be created by reading page labels/numbers from the PDF if you have the right PDF software.

I would think placeholder sheets would work fine, but maybe I’m missing something. If you get All Elements of Category for Sheets do those dummy sheets show up?

That they do Nick.

Then that seems like your best solution. Unless I’m still not understanding something.

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So I am the first computational designer at this office and have not seen how placeholders were added. So perhaps they were done incorrectly with added data. The project we have is huge with many many many consultants for an aerospace project.

So yeah with dynamo I cannot seem to find the information on the dummy sheets. Its one level removed from what I am use to searching for. Again there are no actual sheets… just text in a schedule. So if anyone knows how to access this information and modify in a simple fashion that would be helpful.

I will try what is suggested above in the mean time. Thanks. Then on the next project I’ll make sure we implement the best practice of adding placeholders in a manageable fashion or importing linked files.

Can you post a stripped down version of your Revit file? I know that’s probably hard to do with a large project, but all we need is the sheet schedule. It’s hard to figure out a solution without knowing how the schedule contents were created.

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First up, confirm it’s a sheet schedule. Sounds like it’s something else as if there aren’t placeholder sheets, and they aren’t real sheets, than they must be something else (maybe a key schedule for sheets or something else?)

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