Remove time stamp from List imported in excel

So, I am new in Dynamo programing. I am currently trying to create a workflow from Revit to Excel and back to revit with new information. I did manage to do this, but came against a hurdle.

When I try to link the dates from excel the formatting kinda gets messed up, and there is a time factor added. The date format in excel is DD.MM.YY and in dynamo the date format becomes MM/DD/YY and there is a time factor added to the list.

How do you remove the time factor and change the date formatting. I have looked and tried all the solutions I could find on this but doesnt seem to work for my situation.

@Singh can you post your dyn , revit file (if needed) and explain what you are going to use the date for?

The date is for tracking of items on site.

String.Substring node to isolate just the dates.

String.Split to split at the / characters.

List.Transpose to get a list of months, days, years.

Sort the months, days, years as needed.

String.Join to lace them all together.