Select Elements from Sheets (Titleblock Families)


I’m trying to get a sheets title-block family to transfer some parameters over to the sheet element. This will allow me to schedule the “Issue Type” parameter from the title block family into the Sheet schedule. We need to show “FOR CONSTRUCTION” etc. on our sheet schedules and you cannot imbed a title block schedule.

The problem is the Archi-Lab “Elements on Sheets” node only lets me do the sheets I don’t want to. I’ve tried using a != node instead of the == node (to flip the in and out), but still it refuses to let me get the 5 sheet elements I want (giving me “null”).

Also it mentioned that the Python script was having problems on Line 39 relating to Element Id’s not being deleted? Sorry no expert on Python wording.
My Archi-Lab is updated to the latest 2019 version (2019.2.27).

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Kind Regards,

Hi Andrei!
Could you show the error message you receive from the nodes?

Why dont you use a custom parameter (i.e. ‘Status’)?
That can be Scheduled.
Project Paramaters > Add > […] your Parameter (pick Sheets from categories).

I seems to me you are making things more complicated then they should be…

Hey MVE,

Hopefully these images will suffice.
Also please note that this code block is normally part of the Elements on Sheet node. But I figured it was worth a shot to take the python script from there and use it by itself.


Hey BVS,

I do agree that we are making things complicated, but its all for the purpose of standardizing the “Issue Type” text.
You will see that we have a few tick-boxes with choices for issue type inside the title block family. This guarantees that its always in capital letters and is written the way we want. Plus its easy for the user as its a single box they have to tick.
The result is some nice half tone text along the side of the sheet, which we can’t get as automated if we use a sheets project parameter? If you have a better suggestion I’m definitely interested :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

Just to clarify a few things.
I tried Rhythm’s “Sheets.Titleblock” node initially which worked, but needed to generate graphics for every single sheet it made changes to. This was fine for a very small project, but took well upwards of an hour for larger ones.

Archi-Labs node was going to be the answer to this, as it seems like it doesn’t need to generate graphics when running.
I know this as the node seems to work the first time running the script, but never again (coming up with the error on Line 39 shown above). Even if I try freeze, run and then unfreeze and run again.


Well i have more then one, but lets start with two where you don’t even need Dynamo.

You could also replace all the tickboxes for a integer parameter. Each number would represent a ‘phase’ (1 = for building consent, 2 = for building permit etc). Then fill in your Issue Type parameter with a formula. If(Phase=1,“Text 2”,if(Phase=2,“Text 2”,“Text 3”).

Or just put all the text in the Titleblock and add it to the correct Visibilty State.

Why use Dynamo for this when it easily can be done just using Revit.
If you want to use Dynamo then everyone needs to have the correct packages etc.

Sorry, I must have not explained myself well haha.

The title block tick-box/ “Issue Type” parameter system is working fine. Each tickbox feeds into the “Issue Type” Parameter on the titleblock. The problem comes when you cant schedule a title block (It just isn’t a schedulable element).
The way I get around this is to create an “Issue Type” Label on the titleblock (the large font grey text in the image above). This then becomes attached to the sheet and is editable, but isn’t linked to the title block. So if I change the tick box from “FOR INFORMATION” to “FOR CONSTRUCTION” on the titleblock, it won’t change the label on the sheet.

The whole point of this script is to just refresh the Sheets’ “Issue Type” label based on the corresponding titleblocks’ “Issue Type” parameter generated by the tickboxes.

Also my whole team has correct packages and we use dynamo player quite often.
We also have scripts and addins (PyRevit) for ticking the correct boxes on the titleblocks so that part is very efficient.

Thanks again,
Hope it made more sense this time!

Elements from sheet result on sheet

Will this do?

If not i think it will put you in the right direction.

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Hey BVS,

It will if that “Titleblock from Sheet” node doesn’t generate graphics when loading.
What package is that node from? I’ll give it a go and let you know if it solved it!



Oh right, I just installed the latest version of Rhythm and my node appears different to yours (Same as in the first picture of this post at the bottom right).
But regardless it still generates graphics for each sheet so unfortunately doesn’t solve my problem of it taking hours.

It seems like Revit just has to process the graphics on each sheet to actually take information from the titleblock. Was hoping there was a way to get the information while avoiding that process.

Thanks for your help anyway!

You could try the other way round.
Get all your Titleblocks (and their parameter values) and find the Sheet it is placed on using
Element.OwnerView (Clockwork) and then push the value. This might solve your time issue.

That’s the one!

Seems like starting with the Titleblock did the trick.
No more load times and as a result, no need to filter by project browser and stage like I did before!

Appreciate the help!

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Dynablaster package node of titleblock from sheet works much faster than Rhythm node, thanks