Revit Parameters to Excel

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to using Dynamo. The script in question is working but becomes unglued when assigning a Floor/Ceiling/wall etc to the category node.

What am I missing?

Kind regards,


Hi Mark,

It looks like you’re using Dynamo 1.3 or a different 1.X version. The FamilyInstance.Type node seems to be the root of the issue. Walls, Ceilings, etc. are system families and therefore are not a FamilyInstance. I would recommend using Dynamo 2.0.3 or whichever the latest available version is for your version of Revit. In Dynamo 2.0, there is instead an Element.ElementType node which handles both system families and loadable families:

You can download Dynamo 2.0.3 directly from Dynamo Builds using this link: DynamoInstall2.0.3.exe