QR Code and A360

Hi guys
I have a question. I modeled some modules attached together in Revit. I uploaded my Revit model in A360 , selected one of the building element (e.g. one of its wall), and copy its URL to Dynamo for generating its QR code. The QR code was generated, But when I opened its URL, it shows the whole model. It doesn’t highlight the building element that I selected in A360 and copied its URL. I am going to generate QR code for each building element. In this case, the URL is the same for all element, and when somebody scanned these codes, they won’t show the specification of each specific element. Is there any way to get URL for each building element in A360? If no, how can we recognize that which QR code is for each element? Thanks

This is more of an A360 question than a Dynamo one.

Can you explain exactly what you want to achieve.

Uploading a model to A360, then getting a URL then encoding to a QR with Dynamo seems like a very roudabout method.

Do you want to generate labels that you scan on site?
What do you want to happen when you scan the QR ? Show just that object, where that object is in the whole model, or other information about the object ?


Thank u so much Andrew for your response.At this stage I want to attach the URL to the QR code that shows the object location in the whole model as well as the object’s properties. Can we get URL for each element of a building from A360? Now when I go and copy A360 URL, this URL shows the whole model in A360 not the specific object. In this case, I have to search the element with its ID to get its properties and specifications. Thank u so much for your help

Hi Andrew
Yes, I am gonna generate labels that I scan on site. I want to see the object in the whole model and get some information like Assembly Code, Assembly Description and Manufacturer.

Do you know any solution?
Thanks you so much