Q : DYNAMO_Conceptual Shoe Design using Autodesk Alias

How do I match the pattern unit fit on the red line like the reference picture?

Tool : dynamo

shoe pattern.wire (62.3 KB)
shoe pattern dynamo.dyn (67.2 KB)

I’m sorry but you are in the wrong forum. This forum is dedicated to dynamo for BIM (Building Information Modelling). The chances are very low, that someone will be able to answer your question.

This is definitely the right forum - this is for Dynamo in all of it’s forms, be it for Revit, Civil 3D, FormIt, Advance Steel, Robot, or Alias.

The “BIM” is solely because just Dynamo is taken by a company which specializes in branding other companies, and the ‘BIM’ suffix implied Revit/AEC work which was the original integration/use.

As far as the original question goes, I’m not sure how to manage that via pattern toolkit. Hopefully GG will weigh in soon.


Amigo @jeongkiho buenas. I think not everybody in the forum have much experience whit Alias (Personally i’m null with the program) but we will make the effort to help you, if i understand well you are trying to place element at regular locations, you will have to work with coordinate system instead points, i let you an example, besides Jacob has a beautiful video very similar what you are trying to do, may be you should watch it!!


@jeongkiho I can look into this, but could you please also supply you image white.png?


I’ll try this.
Thank you for your answer.

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I’ll try this.
Thank you for your answer.

This is .png file.

thanks [Michael-GG]